
Hi, I am Don Sath. If you like to learn
about people and culture, you will here.
I hope you find my story interesting.
Come back for the rest yet to be written.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Divine mystery

I'm moved to write because I am certain that a 'divine' power was
working in my life even though I didn't realize it back then. Now, as
a believer in Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMasiah), I give him honor
for showing me his lovingkindness and tender mercy by forgiving
me of all my sins.

By the space of two years

I think that it was about two years of living off and on with my aunt's
family as my second home. I don't recall having to be spanked
for misbehavior. Maybe none of my cousins ever got a licking
from their parents at all. I'll ask them when I get to Cambodia.

I did a lot more fishing and hunting while living with my family compared to
my cousin's place. They were more into pursuing education than fishing
and hunting like my family did. And growing fruits and vegetables was
their main livelihood. I did some fishing and trapping while living with them.

I was more an 'expert' when it came to hunting and fishing. I made fish
traps by digging a hole into the river bank vertically, devising a trigger
mechanism to a trap door made out of plank wood, that when the fish
is inside the hole it would trip the trigger and trap it inside. The top
is covered with flat boards and camouflage so the fish would feel safe
if it wants to go in looking for a safe place to lay its eggs. But sorry to
say, I don't think I had much success in that river that I was trapping.

We did go on fish hunts during the night when it is raining hard or after
it had rained. That was when fish would come out of the main river and large
ponds, migrating to wherever think they are going and exposing themselves
to predators like me and my cousins. Most of the time the species of
fish are smaller fish, like catfish and a fish similar to bluegill and
other kinds that I can't name.

Frog hunting is also common. During the rainy season, frogs seem to
come out of the ground. Of course, it is mating season, and the nights
are filled with their love songs, just like springtime in America in the
Northern region of the country. We Cambodians eat most of the frog,
not just the legs. Same thing with fish: we pick it to the bone and very little
goes to waste.

My aunt's family are religious people, so we took time to go to temple
and offered appropiate offerings at the appointed time.

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