
Hi, I am Don Sath. If you like to learn
about people and culture, you will here.
I hope you find my story interesting.
Come back for the rest yet to be written.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Looming War

All this time the civil war was raging in the background between
the Khmer Rouge and Lon Nol government to the east of us.
Back in Battambong before we left, the Khmer Rouge insurgents
would shell into the city from their hideouts. Their aim was to damage
the airport. But the rockets landed wherever they fell. When this happened
we took refuged in our bomb shelter, hoping and praying that one
would not land on us. The shelling was always done in the night time.

The enemies blended themselves with the common villagers during
the day and did their damage in the night. I've seen people with blown-off
limbs and their lives hanging in the balance as they made their
escape toward Battambong. Once the Khmer Rouge captured Phnom
Penh, all hope was gone. Battambong was their next target and that meant
us.They made their conquest from east to west. Toward the western
border is more forest for a better chance of escape before the forest
was riddled with land mines later on, when they tried to cut people off from
reaching Thailand.

Each family was given weapons to protect themselves. The weapons I
assumed came from the U.S side. Before we were defeated, men were
assigned to patrol at night for enemies running loose among us. Fights
did break out during the nights. Flares would light up the night sky to
help rout out the enemies. I used an M-16 and tried to bring down a dove.
I missed the bird and I hope I hit a KR beyond the target. I think he's
the one that killed my girlfriend with whom I was in love back then.

Yes, seeing planes dropping bombs supposedly on the enemies was
almost a daily occurance. Bombers would take off from the Battambong
airport headed toward their target which was not far away. I could see
them diving to release their payloads and hear the rumble and see the
smoke rising in the distance. I remember thinking to myself while out
there planting rice, 'What is the use to continue planting if the war is just
beyond the fence? Our effort will all be for loss anyway.'

I was fascinated about airplanes. Seeing those fighters flying in
formation and splitting off before landing was some show to watch.
Yet with air power that we had, we failed to stop the opposing force.
Many lives suffered and died from the ruthless enemy called Khmer
Rouge (Red Khmer). They held the Communist view ideology.
After they took control of the country, the light kind of went out in
Cambodia. Four years of silence to the outside world. What were
they up to? Do you want to know? See the movie called The Killing
. That is a good starting point.

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